Ok, so basically this first post is an intro to...well...me. This is the description on my youtube...and pretty accurately describes me without going into a ton of detail:Side-note:
Any time that I sound "preachy" at all in my posts, it's because it's generally about something God's taking me through, or showing me, or it's something God's just reiterating to me...so just be aware that "preaching" at you is never my intention when I first begin a post...or ever. Unless I tell you I'm going to be preaching...in which case all I can say is: you were warned. :D
I'm a P.K. (Pastor's Kid). Which could explain a lot. I'm also a contradiction of sorts. What I mean is, many things about me are contradictory. For example, most people would describe me as incredibly outgoing; but I can be one of the shyest people ever sometimes. I don't care what people think and have very little shame (within reason) when I'm just hanging out; but it is relatively easy to make me blush embarrassedly. I highly dislike heights; but I love mountain climbing. I love talking with people and being out and about; but I also adore times when I get to get comfy in my sweats and just read-losing myself as I do. I can be hyper, crazy, goofy, silly, you name it; but when it's time to work, I've been told I scare people-nothing distracts me when I'm really focused. Although these are only some examples, there is one thing about me that's never a contradiction: my love for God.

The facts:
- I'm 19.
- I've been a Christian since I was 3...like, I actually started my relationship with Christ when I was 3.
- I've never been perfect. I never will be.
- I backslid in high school. Not majorly...but enough. No sin is any greater than another; in God's eyes it's all sin. I wasn't the best witness or example. Especially my sophomore and junior years. Senior year I got back on track. If you want to know more about any of that, just ask. :) I'd type it all now, but I don't even know if anyone would be interested in knowing that; and I don't feel like typing out my life story right this second, lol.
- I did theatre, especially musical theatre, for about 14 years. Actually, if we're being really technical, I'm still doing it. I'm just on the directorial/production/writing side now...to be completely honest, I love doing what I'm doing with theatre (My drama teacher in high school said I had "natural instinct when it comes to acting and directing" and that she could see me as a great director...of course she only told that to my parents. I tried so hard to please that woman.); but I miss being on stage. I miss acting. I miss the stress-filled rehearsals; cramming lines, blocking, songs and choreography into my brain; I miss diving into the life of another person and feeling like I really am truly walking in another person's shoes; I miss the costumes; I miss Ben Nye (haha, that dreadful stage make-up...my poor skin); I miss AquaNet (ok, so maybe I don't miss that stuff...I hated that stuff. It's hard to wash out and then if you have that spray-on hair dye on top of one layer of AquaNet and then spray another layer of AquaNet on top of it...nightmares!); I miss the lights, the people, the adrenaline rush...and that feeling of accomplishment at the end of a show. For two hours, we were able to entertain people. And-drama, comedy, or dramedy-for two hours, people were able to forget about their worries, their cares, their concerns...for two hours, life didn't exist outside of that building. For two hours, people were swept away from their seats into a magical place, a far-away land, a distant time period, or right next-door...but, wherever it was, it wasn't their seat. And I was a part of that. That's why the entertainment industry survived The Great Depression. Wow. You know what? God does that same thing. Except He's not in a two-hour industry...His work lasts for eternity. Imagine:
For eternity, I provided for people. And-life in shambles, just won the lottery, or caught up the whirlwind called "life"-for eternity, people were able to forget about their worries, their cares, their concerns...for eternity, life didn't exist outside of Me. For eternity, people were swept away from their knees into a miraculous place, an oasis of sorts, My arms, My love, My joy, My peace, My presence...but, wherever it was, it wasn't their knees. And I did all that.
- Oh man. I love God.
- If I had to describe myself in one word: Michelle.
Haha, this wasn't supposed to be that long; so, if you're still reading this, thank you! xD
much love.
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