Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Find the Weather Outside Delightful

I really, honestly do! xD And I'm obsessed with taking pictures of the sky. I was the same way last year too. In fact, if you ever see a girl with a really old Kodak EasyShare on the side of the road taking pictures of the could very well be me. Recently, the sky has been amazing. Truly magnificent. God is incredible. And the fact that He-who is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, infinite, the Alpha and Omega, the creator of the heavens and the earth, Yahweh, the I Am-I mean, the fact that He’s God...and that He loves me boggles my mind. I love that I can know that no matter what He is in charge. I love that what He does in the sky-however big and brilliant I think it is-is such a small part, such a tiny piece of His beauty. I wrote this about eight or nine months ago, but here:

I needed some Inspiration
Divine Inspiration
To guide this examination
Of my enamoured soul

Holy Spirit light a fire
Let it pierce me deep within
And burn away all the sin
From my enamoured soul

The other day I saw the face
Of my redeeming grace
And it captured completely
My enamoured soul

Just a glimpse of Your splendor
Just a taste of Your goodness
A sip of Your mercy captivates
My enamoured soul

I absolutely love God. I mean, seriously. That's pretty much it right now. I just wanted to share my sky with you. Hope you're doing fantastic! (I love how I'm writing as though someone's I don't even have any "followers" yet, lol.)
much love.

1 comment:

C. Beth said...

Great, inspiring blog. I'll be your first follower. :)

Okay, I'm going to sound so old with what I'm about to ask--as if I didn't already feel old, being 31 when you're 19. But...any chance the font could be bigger? Pretty please? :-D

Beth (fellow Christian, theatre geek, PK, and blogger)