Monday, April 6, 2009

Emotions Devotion

Pastor Jeremy
Sermon on 3/16/09
Discussion on 3/22/09


The Stadium Unplugged

Acts 2:1-4

1 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.


We must stop doubting for the sake of fear, and start doubting to find an answer. We need to start allowing the Head to control the body by becoming Spirit led and operating in love so that "super" God can once again unite with the "natural" us.

is not a sign of mental weakness, denial is.
There are two types of doubters:
1. honest doubters- those who doubt and question to find an answer.
2. willful doubters- those who question and doubt to prove people wrong and validate their oponion.
In what ways and areas do you find yourself doubting? Why? What will it take to convince you?

There are more churches in this city than burger joints and Starbucks; yet we still haven't seen this city saved because instead of being the bride of Christ, we have become the bride of Frankenstein.
What will it take for the body of Christ to "come together?"

Rather than swords or spears God used "tongues" of fire to symbolize unity and edification.
"God operates through love; through love there is power."
God's motive is not to show off His power, but to meet the need. He wants us to worship Him because we love Him, not because we fear Him.
Was there ever a time where you wanted to be used by God's power, but had the wrong motive? What happened? What can we learn from this experience?

Most churches have transitioned from being a movement to being a monument or museum, it's time to start moving again.
We have become a people who care more about people's opinion than God's dominion.
We have stopped encountering God's supernatural power because we have taken the driver's seat away from God.
What are ways in your life in which you have "taken the driver's seat"? What have been the results?

I am a SPIRIT...I live in a BODY, and I have a SOUL; and inside of my soul, I have my MIND, WILL, and EMOTIONS.
Our soul needs to be subject to our spirit, while our spirit needs to be subject to the Holy Spirit and the Word.
Referring to the story Pastor told about training his dogs, what are the "dogs" in your life? What areas of your life need to become subject by the Spirit rather than your soul (mind, will, emotions)? How can we train these areas?

Personal Reflections

(Please take home and answer these questions privately)

1. What are ways that you can be used in "love" this week?

2. How are you being controlled by your soul (mind, will, emotions)?

3. How do you react when you don't know what to do? How should you react?

4. What was the "Suddenly" of your life? How have you been changed by it?

You can listen to the podcast by going to

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"We have become a people who care more about people's opinion than God's dominion." I agree. But with God's help we can conquer this awful habit. Great post.